
Response to Coronavirus

Central Louisiana Regional Chamber of Commerce COVID-19 Business Resource Information

Businesses are concerned about their long term viability, as well as the health and wellbeing of their employees and customers. The Central LA Regional Chamber of Commerce is working with partner organizations, community leaders, and state and federal officials to provide information, links and direct services to chamber members and the business community during the current state of emergency.

The Chamber office located at 1118 Third Street in Alexandria is closed in accordance with the Stay-at-Home order, but is fully operational with staffers working from home.

If you are a business in need of assistance, please call or email us.

Governmental Relations, Policy, Strategy, State and Federal Legislation

Small Business Government Assistance Information

U.S. Chamber Connection

Deborah Randolph, President, Central LA Regional Chamber of Commerce

318-441-3420, drandolph@cenlachamber.org

Membership/Event Information, Requests to Share Information with Chamber Members

Cindy Cespiva, Membership/Events Director

318-442-6671, ccespiva@cenlachamber.org


Find a list of city services as well as listings of open businesses and hours of operation.

Find COVID-19 Information pertaining to travel in the Central Louisiana area.

Find COVID-19 Information pertaining to airport and flight status at (AEX) Alexandria International Airport.

The City of Pineville resources and information.

Louisiana Central

BAS - Business Acceleration System offering small business coaching

KD will continue updates our website to communicate relevant information from the Economic Development Administration and other agencies on economic recovery opportunities, resources, and activities.

Louisiana 211 is partnering with the Louisiana Department of Health to ensure citizens can access to the most current information available for Coronavirus (COVIDー19).

United Ways throughout Louisiana proudly support the Louisiana 211 Statewide Network.

The U.S. Chamber is working closely with the White House, U.S. government agencies, and foreign government officials to inform and equip businesses with the most important and up-to-date information to prevent the spread of the virus and prepare businesses for the near and long-term impact.

LED is working with all levels of government to safeguard Louisiana businesses in terms of economic and physical safety issues related to COVID-19. 


Louisiana Launches E-Commerce Initiative for Small Businesses

Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19

Local Listings & Message Boards

We're All In This Together!